StageProject started life as a contract-management and online-billing system for the award-winning architectural firm, Reimagine Architects of Edmonton, Canada.
Initially, the intention was to solve two big problems: First, approving sub-consultant project invoices was a significant burden on the leadership because they didn't always have enough information at their fingertips. Second, there was often a lack of clarity in the project teams around agreed deliverables resulting in costly mistakes and unbilled client work.
As the application developed, it became apparent how it could help in other ways. For example, it could help create progress reports, generate notifications, provide insightful financial metrics, and support a design-change workflow. Many ideas didn't make the final cut, but others worked well or could be improved.
Results came quickly from the intelligence, systematization, delegation of tasks, and oversight provided by the application. It increased financial awareness amongst project managers, expanded their role, and empowered them. It gave PMs a standard way to manage contracts and billing and it freed up the leadership to pursue business development and provide oversight.
In 2018, the contract-management and billing system transitioned to a SaaS model and launched in 2021 as a unique cloud service named StageProject with a proven 10-year track record. Today we're happy to offer our service to other organizations and continue to spread.
Request a Demo or try it on your next project.